Recent Bill Signing by Florida Governor Rick Scott Gives Public Charter Schools Big Boost


Florida Governor Rick Scott recently signed House Bill 7069 (2017) that Scott said gives every child in Florida access to quality education. The bill facilitates expansion of privately managed charter schools in Florida, and their receipt of extra funding from taxpayers to increase their operations. These are the same types of school projects found exclusively in GreenAccess’ EB-5 immigrant investment model.

House Bill 7069 includes a vast array of provisions, including daily recess for elementary school students, as well as $30 million in supplementary funding to extend the voucher program for children with disabilities.

The legislation is roundly supported by Congressional Republicans and school choice advocates alike. House Bill 7069 seems to echo the Trump Administration’s favorable stance on charter school education. Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos favors increased school choice, specifically charters schools.

We can only take the bill’s signing at face value. On its face it is another indication that public charter schools, like those featured in the GreenAccess EB-5 investment model continue to gain momentum. More and more advocates are lining up to support this innovative education model.